Preparing Your Client pt2

Open src/ This is where the logic of the command from the match statement in bin/ is defined.


fn main() {
use crate::{handle_response, wait_for_non_empty_message, RequestTypes, DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_RPC};
use cosmrs::AccountId;
use nym_sdk::mixnet::MixnetClient;
use nym_sphinx_addressing::clients::Recipient;
use nym_validator_client::nyxd::Coin;

As well as importing message-handling functionality, request types, and the default RPC endpoint, this file relies on the AccountId type to construct blockchain addresses, the MixnetClient for interacting with the mixnet, the Recipient type to construct mixnet recipient addresses, and the Coin type for properly handling the returned balance of the account that will be queried.

Querying via the Mixnet

The following is used to construct a BalanceRequest, send this to the supplied service address, and then handle the response, matching it to a ResponseType (in this case the only expected response, a BalanceResponse).

The actual sending of the request is performed by client.send_message: sending the serialised BalanceRequest to the supplied Nym address (the Recipient imported from the nym_sphinx_addressing crate). It is sending the default number of SURBs along with the message as the third argument, defined here.

fn main() {
pub async fn query_balance(
    account: AccountId,
    client: &mut MixnetClient,
    sp_address: Recipient,
) -> anyhow::Result<Coin> {
    // construct balance request
    let message = RequestTypes::Balance(crate::BalanceRequest {
        validator: DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_RPC.to_owned(), // rpc endpoint for broadcaster to use

    // send serialised request to service via mixnet
    let _ = client
        .send_message(sp_address, message.serialize(), Default::default())

    let received = wait_for_non_empty_message(client).await?;

    // listen for response from service
    let sp_response = handle_response(received)?;

    // match JSON -> ResponseType
    let res = match sp_response {
        crate::ResponseTypes::Balance(response) => {
            println!("{:#?}", response);


That is all the client code written: now to move on to the service that will be interacting with the blockchain on behalf of the client.

Last change: 2024-03-25, commit: e958336