Preparing Your Client

Start by creating the startup logic of your client in bin/ - creating a Nym client and connecting to the mixnet (or just connecting if your client has been started before and config already exists for it), and defining and running commands.


Import the following dependencies:

fn main() {
use clap::{Args, Parser, Subcommand};
use chain_query::{client::query_balance, create_client};
use nym_sdk::mixnet::Recipient;
use nym_validator_client::nyxd::AccountId;
use nym_bin_common::logging::setup_logging;

clap is used so different commands can be passed to the client (even though we’re only defining one function in this first part of the tutorial, more will be added in subsequent chapters). nym_sdk::mixnet::Recipient is the type used to define the recipient of a mixnet message, nym_bin_common::logging::setup_logging is the logging setup for client’s Nym client, and chain_query imports the create_client and query_balance functions created on the previous page.

CLI Command with Clap

The following simply defines the commands that the client can perform. For the moment, there is only one: the query_balance function created in the previous section.

As with the data structures, this structure is being used for ease of adding future commands in subsequent tutorials.

fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
#[clap(name = "rust sdk demo - chain query service")]
#[clap(about = "query the sandbox testnet blockchain via the mixnet... part 2 coming soon")]
struct Cli {
    command: Option<Commands>,

#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
enum Commands {

#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct QueryBalance {
    /// the account we want to query
    account: AccountId,
    /// the address of the broadcaster service - this submits txs and queries the chain on our behalf
    sp_address: String,


This is the root logic of the client. Using [tokio]( for the async runtime, this function performs the following functions:

  • If not already existing, create a Nym client with config at /tmp/client. Otherwise load the already existing client from this config.
  • Matche the command from the CLI - in this instance, the QueryBalance function which will be defined in the next section. This creates a BalanceRequest and sends this to the service, before returning the response back to the main thread and print this to the console.
  • Perform a proper shutdown of the Nym client.
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let cli = Cli::parse();
    let mut client = create_client("/tmp/client2".into()).await;
    let our_address = client.nym_address();
    println!("\nclient's nym address: {our_address}");

    match cli.command {
        Some(Commands::QueryBalance(QueryBalance {
        })) => {
            println!("\nsending bank balance request to service via mixnet");
            let sp_address = Recipient::try_from_base58_string(sp_address).unwrap();
            let returned_balance = query_balance(account, &mut client, sp_address).await?;
            println!("\nreturned balance is: {}", returned_balance);
        None => {
            println!("\nno command specified - nothing to do")
    println!("\ndisconnecting client");
    println!("client disconnected");
Last change: 2024-03-25, commit: e958336