Preparing Your Service

In bin/ define the startup and response logic of the service. Client connection / config reading happens as it does in bin/


fn main() {
use chain_query::{
    create_client, handle_request,
    service::{create_broadcaster, get_balance},
    BalanceResponse, RequestTypes, ResponseTypes,
use nym_sphinx_anonymous_replies::{self, requests::AnonymousSenderTag};
use nym_bin_common::logging::setup_logging;
use nym_sdk::mixnet::MixnetMessageSender;

The imports from chain_query are most of the data types and functions defined in the previous sections of this tutorial.

The AnonymousSenderTag type is used for SURBs.


Also using tokio for the async runtime, main does the following:

  • Create a Nym client with config at /tmp/service, or load the existing client from this config directory.
  • Create a broadcaster - this is used by the service to interact with the blockchain, using the consts defined in src/ as chain config.
  • Listen out for incoming messages, and in much the same way as the client, handle and match the incoming request.
  • Using the sender_tag, anonymously reply to the client with the response from the blockchain without having to know the client’s Nym address.
async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut client = create_client("/tmp/service".into()).await;
    let our_address = client.nym_address();
    println!("\nservice's nym address: {our_address}");
    // the httpclient we will use to broadcast our query to the blockchain
    let broadcaster = create_broadcaster().await?;
    println!("listening for messages, press CTRL-C to exit");

    while let Some(received) = client.wait_for_messages().await {
        for msg in received {
            let request = match handle_request(msg) {
                Ok(request) => request,
                Err(err) => {
                    eprintln!("failed to handle received request: {err}");

            let return_recipient: AnonymousSenderTag = request.1.expect("no sender tag received");
            match request.0 {
                RequestTypes::Balance(request) => {
                    println!("\nincoming balance request for: {}\n", request.account);

                    let balance: BalanceResponse =
                        get_balance(broadcaster.clone(), request.account).await?;

                    let response = ResponseTypes::Balance(balance);

                    println!("response from chain: {:#?}", response);

                    println!("\nreturn recipient surb bucket: {}", &return_recipient);
                    println!("\nsending response to {}", &return_recipient);
                    // send response back to anon requesting client via mixnet
                    let _ = client
                        .send_reply(return_recipient, &serde_json::to_string(&response)?)

Last change: 2024-03-25, commit: e958336